ISO ISO 37001:2016

Very interesting and demanding system, especially for the public sector and local government, but also for the private sector. This system establishes control mechanisms that have the task to maximally prevent any possible corruption in the organization and beyond.

Bribery is one of the most challenging and devastating issues in the world. With more than a billion dollars per year paid off, the consequences are catastrophic, reducing the quality of life, increasing poverty and worsening public confidence.

Nevertheless, despite the efforts at national and international level to resolve bribery, it remains a major problem. Recognizing this, ISO has developed a new standard that helps organizations to fight bribery and promote ethical business culture.

ISO 37001, anti-corruption management systems, determine a range of measures that help organizations prevent, detect and resolve bribery. This includes accepting bribery policy, appointing a person who will monitor bribery, training, risk assessment and deep analysis of projects and business associates, conducting financial and commercial controls, and initiating reporting and investigation procedures.

It’s designed to help your organization implement a bribe prevention system or improve the controls you currently have. It helps reduce the risk of bribery and may show your stakeholders that you have established internationally recognized anti-corruption control controls in good practice.